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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blog Everyday in August #8 - I am in Norway

The reason I didn't blog yesterday was because I went to Norway. Now, you might say: "But didn't you have time to write even a short little post?"
The answer is no. I didn't even unpack my computer.

But I am now going to tell you what I did yesterday and how much fun it waaas.

First I got up way too early. This might have had something to do with the fact that I was up all night talking to friends. Might be connected..
But 6.30 is early in my mind. I managed to leave my bed with sheer willpower, and then I went to the train station.

I was really surprised that so many people were out and about. Yes, it was 7.30, but it was a Saturday.. I assumed people would be in bed just like I wanted to be. Obviously I was wrong
Then came the six hour train ride.
Normally I like riding the train, and I usually relax quite a lot. But I was sitting next to the most annoying man in the history of the world. He was constantly talking to his daughter and wife who were sitting on the seat in front of us. Then, of course, he managed to splash me with his bubbly water.

I was not amused.

A woman sitting on the other side of the aisle asked me if I could help her off with her bag, since she had her dog to take care of as well. I assumed this meant that I would just carry it down the stairs tat we were sitting right next to. Then just as the train was stopping, a voice over the speaker tells us that the platform is really short, and that we can only get off on the first two wagons.

We were sitting in the other end of the train.

So I had to run through the entire train with her bag, which was really really heavy. And when I did manage to get her bag off the train, I had to go back to my seat. On my way back there my skirt got caught in a broken chair and it's not completely ruined.

Worst train trip ever.

But then I actually got to Oslo, and then everything got better. We left my heavy bag in a locker and then walked around in the city. Before this though, we walked to the top of the opera building which is absolutely gorgeous.
We met up with Ingvild's friend, who was also called Ingvild, and then walked up to Litteraturhuset where the Harry and the potters show was.

And the show was awesome. It really was. The brothers might not be the best singers, but they put on an amazing show. They're so lively!
We then went to eat, caught a bus back to Ingvild's house, and talked forever and then we fell asleep.

This post has no grammar. I no longer care. AWESOME.

If we can we'll see Kristin today, and... yes. Bye.

The Thought of the Day: I am sleepy. This is all. Also, Swedish is weird.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Blog Everyday in August #6 - A short and hurried update.

I almost forgot to blog!

I am leaving for Oslo in, oh, 8 hours and 38 minutes, so I have been doing absolutely nothing of worth today. No, that's not true, I did the dishes. Can I get a good daughter score for that? A golden star?

The only things I have left to pack are my books, but they shouldn't be too hard to collect.

As a little update of the day: I am very jealous of the people at Summer in the City. I had a blast last year, though it might have been mostly because of Shannon and Lucy. I will be seeing Lucy on my London trip, many woohoo's for that.

I also went shopping, and buying pants sucks since I am still overweight. But I did buy some and they do look pretty, so I am going to stop complaining, and continue with my excercise when I get back from Norway.

I did buy a bra with is AWESOME. It actually fits, and that is something I've had a big problem with. Big is the keyword here. It has the unfortunate color bright pink, but it fits so well, and is also quite comfortable, so I have decided not to care.
It was also very cheap.

Now I am going to try to sleep before the train. I have to get up in little over six hours, which is no fun, but I am guessing Ingvild will make up for it.

The Things of the Day: I AM GOING TO OSLO TOMORROW. I'm excited. I will also go see Harry and the potters with Ingvild, but I am much more excited about seeing her.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Blog Everyday in August #5 - Some thoughts on writing.

I honestly don't know how I am going to keep up with posting a blog every day this month. Especially since I seem to be writing these post way after midnight. I guess I can't continue with that when school starts (19 days, but who is counting?) but I am just too wired to write during the day. This might also be why I still haven't finished my novel.
Of course it might have something to do with the fact that I have my narrator and her boyfriend in a cellar with a crazy murderer and a whole lot of blood.

But no biggie.

Maybe that is the topic of today's (tonight's) post. WRITING.

Also known as "Why the hell haven't you finished your novel yet, you idiot?" You choose.

I love writing. I still can't really define why, for I just start blabbering about creating new worlds and giving birth to characters, but that is really it. I have a vivid imagination, and I'm always making something up. Even though I haven't written much lately, there is a constant flow of stories in my head. I have so much I want to write down, but due to a current decrease in confidence when it comes to my "talent" I just haven't.

This is truly one of my biggest problems: I keep doubting myself.

These stories, they're so vidid in my mind, so alive. When I put them down to paper (or in this case hard-drive) it seems so lacking. I can't portray my heroines fears without making her sounds like a fluffy lady, or I can't properly describe the scenes to make them as impressing as they are when I imagine them.
I guess it just takes much training. But training takes time and I won't have that when school starts this year.

But sometimes I am on a flow. Those who know how it is to be on a flow... Oh, dear. The words just pour out of your hands and somehow, like magic, align on paper the way you want them to. The characters have chemistry, the scenes are amazing and the plot, oh the plot, is without holes.

It's truly marvelous. And then you get stuck again.

I suppose that is one of the most wonderful things though. Sitting down by the computer after a long dry-spell and finding that you suddenly have inspiration. Oh, I love it.

My novel though, it has reached a stop.
I started it during NaNoWriMo 2009, and when November was over, I simply didn't have time to look at it for months. When I well did, I realized it was nowhere near completion and began writing like crazy. Now, nine months later, I'm at 80 thousand words and I hate about 70 thousand of them.

It is too silly.

But I shall, in the few days between my Oslo trip and London trip, try to look at it, and maybe, if possible, get my characters out of the hole alive.
To be honest though, right now I just feel like killing them all.

The Thing of the Day: I definitely just made chocolate balls with pear-sugar and caramel sprinkles.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blog Everyday in August #4 - I love libraries.

I don't know what it is, but whenever I step into a library I feel excited. It might be because it is filled with so much wonder and amazement. So many worlds, and characters and rooms and events. I just feel at home.
Every single book is like a window to a different world, and we've all felt like escaping one time or another, haven't we?

Recently I complained about having to pay for reserving books at my local library. The ones I have outside of stockholm is a branch os different ones, so you can easily ask them to send it to the one nearest you. But last year they started charging for this, and my library reserving went way down.
But a few days ago, after complaining, I realized what an idiot I was.

Libraries do amazing things. They offer the chance of reading to people who might not afford it otherwise. Personally, I think that is one of the best things you can do in today's society when children spend most of their time playing video-games. (This is something I too enjoy a great deal, but reading is important.)

So, after thinking this through, and counting the amount of books I have borrowed from libraries during my short time here on earth, 10 SEK per reserved book is worth it. I don't mind giving money to the library. In fact, I wouldn't even mind just giving them some money once in a while. They're doing a great job.

If only they would expand the English section a little bit, and I might move in there.

The Thing of the Day: The books I got from the Library this time was 'From a Buick 8' by Stephen King (A re-read because I loved it, and it was a while ago since I read it), 'Rebel Angels' by Libba Bray (because I rather liked the first novel and should finish the series before school starts) and 'Wicked Lovely" by Melissa Marr (I usually don't pick up books by people I have never heard of, nor ben recommended to read, but this looked quite nice.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blog Everyday in August #3 - A bit about school

Here we go, it's just the third of August, and I have already missed a day. I apologize, and if I feel like it I'll make it up to you by blogging in September, but we'll see how much I have to deal with in school. IB doesn't really give you time to rest on the last year. At all.

Is it strange that I look forward to starting school again? I think it's the fact that it is actually my last year, that makes it so exciting. I'll be graduating next year. Graduating. I'm turning 18 in just a few weeks. I'm flabbergasted. But that isn't actually what I was going to talk about.

I'm now about to start my last year of IB. Since we in Sweden have a very different school system for the ones IB is based on, we got an extra. This is also because Swedish "gymnasium" is three years, and the B diploma programme is only two. But it is also very good, because Ib has a very high tempo and demands a lot from its students. It means that you can decide to leave the school, and star another program that suits you better.
Frankly, I just like to complain about doing three years of IB.

But I do miss it. Sure, this is the last and most demanding year, but I think if I just put more effort in it, it will go quite well. Sure, we have a lot of stuff to do, things I haven't actually started yet, but I like it. I really do. I like learning in general. Just finding things out, things I never though I would know.

Take history, for example. I love history, for it explains how the world looks today. It's so important to look back, to understand, and to refrain from repeating some things. Looking at old alliances and enemies, gives you a take on why the world looks the way it does today. And I think it is simply fascinating.
Then Biology. I never thought I'd know the things I do, never. But it is, for lack of words, awesome.

The fact that I now have amazing friends isn't all that bad either.

As a matter of fact, it's quite a difference from how it used to be. I didn't really have that many friends two years ago. The people I went to school with, I knew, and I spent time with them IN school, but we weren't friends. We didn't invite each other out after school.
Now it's different. And as someone who has gone through the experiment of having no friends, they do mean a lot to me.

As crazy as they are.

So, yes, school. Only 21 days left, and I still have time for two trips before it starts. First I'll be off to Oslo, to see a friend. We'll be going to the Harry and the Potter show as well. Be sure to check my channel, for Ingvild and I will be crazy and making videos.
Then, on the 16th, I'll be going to London again, and I am looking forward to seeing lovely Lucy again.

I think that was it for now. I promised Ingvild to vlog today, and I shall, as soon as the sun goes up anyway. If you're interested, it will be upload here.

Random thing of the day: I just made way too many pancakes, and I have to say... I am becoming quite an excellent pancake cook.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blog everyday August #1 - Nothing to say

So, my first post here in August didn't really turn out the way I wanted it to. First of all... It's no longer the first here in Sweden. Second of all.. I honestly don't have anything to say. This, of course, is so easily fixed.

Blogspot doesn't even acknowledge that I am living in Sweden, and will be posting this on the first. Technically. I like technically. So, hello past. It's nice to meet you. Again.

Second, I always say I have nothing to write about then and then thousand words later I've bored you to death. It's quite fascinating really, this habit of mine. And something I must work on.

So, I am here writing again, so soon after my last post, because of Becky. She said she was doing Blog Everyday August, and I kind of wanted to join in. And here I am. Writing. Blabbing away. Type, type, type.
This is going to be an excellent month.

I honestly don't have anything important to mention, so I am simply going to tell you random things. Like for example, today my friend virtually yelled at me (again) for not having seen The Dark Knight. As I am both a movie nerd and a comics nerd, this astonishes me as well. Also, Heath Ledger? As the Joker? One of my favorite villains ever? Yes. I am amazed.
But this means I need to go into the city and get myself a dvd.

This, is annoying.

Mostly I think it's because I won't actually get there. If I don't HAVE to be anywhere, it is not very likely that I will actually get dressed. When I'm home alone and free, I basically only go outside to walk the dog. Walking the dog clothes, are not actually proper out in public clothes.
Not at all.

Of course, I have to now. Otherwise she'll yell at me for real when I see her.
That was all for this first post. Told you I didn't have anything to say.

London countdown: 14 days.