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Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hello there, dear readers.

As I am sitting here with the Wicked soundtrack blasting in my oversized head-phones, I started thinking about NaNoWriMo again. It might have been because I just watched Hayley's video about it, but it might also be because I have already opened a Scrivener project and I keep staring at the icon in the dock.


Even though I am looking forward to this with my heart (corny, yes) I am also terrified. I know I need to focus a lot of school, and how am I to do that while also writing a novel? My friend is saying that she will write mostly on the weekends but I don't know how I could be able to write around.. what? 11.600 words every weekend? THAT, I cannot do.

I'm pretty sure this girl can, though. She was the only one who actually got anywhere last year. My novel didn't even leave chapter one.

In Kristina's NaNo post, she said that the year she was most pleased with her story, she didn't plan anything in beforehand. Since I have gotten NOWHERE when I didn't plan I still can't phantom how she did this. When writing short-stories I don't need planning, I just tap away on the keyboard, but whenever I try to achieve something bigger than just two pages or so, I fall flat without a goal.

That is why I think I will succeed this year. I have a goal, I have a general direction that I am heading for, even though I don't know how to get there. And isn't that the exciting part? Not knowing how you get there? Not knowing how to travel.

Now I am going to dive into my notebook and plan away! To make my notebook a bit more inviting I design something of a cover. I hope to be able to print it when school starts again, on November 2nd
Have a nice weekend!

Also, I believe Sara has begun to read my blog so... Hi, Sara. I hope Germany treated you well!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's a break!

Hello again dear readers.

It's now Sunday, and I am without my blues. The reason that facing a week isn't making me hide underneath the covers is simple. I do not have school tomorrow.

Now, I have told you many times before that I do enjoy school, and it is true. Sometimes you just need to sleep, you know? Get out of bed in the morning not worrying about the books, the computer, the charger, the calculator and whatever else you need to bring. Sometimes you need to get out of bed in the morning because you chose to.

It feels GOOD.

It will only last a week, but maybe that is all an Ib student needs to charge her batteries. NaNoWriMo is starting in a week you know.
I am awaiting the week with both excitement and fear. The last two NaNo's have been complete and utter failures, so I really do have hopes for this one. There are only two problems.

I have two tests this month. One in history that I do not need to study that for, but it's the other one that has me quaking in my converse.


This is probably going to cause a failed NaNo.

Now it's time for me return to my nano-notebook. I still have lots of planning do to, and I can't wait to start writing!


Monday, October 19, 2009

November hell,

Hello internet-readers,

So. It's that time of the year again. The middle of october. Here in Sweden it means rain, the occasional snow, more rain, cold and a teeny tiny bit more rain. I don't mind the rain, it's always been my favorite kind of weather.
But, october doesn't just been that winter is on its way, no, it also means that it's time to start planning for NaNoWriMo.

If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, then click the link and you'll find everything you need to know. In short, it's the National Novel Writing Month and it's all about a big personal goal you set for yourself.

Write a novel in 30 days. More specifically, write 50.000 words in 30 days. For those who have done NaNo before, we all know that means 1666,66667 words each day.

This is my third year, and as a friend said, Third time's a charm.

Bah. Hambug.

I'll let you know how it goes through this blog but also my youtube channel.

Love dearies!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oh, the memes.

Hello dear internet-readers.

I know I promised the dear girls on SYIP to blog, and now I am. So here we go.

How many siblings do you have? --> One. A younger brother. We fight all too often.

What would you do with a poe-bust? --> Put STUFF on its HEAD.

Who's on your guilt-free-three? --> Alan Rickman, David Tennant, and... and... Colin Firth.

Favorite soda? --> Coca cola!

What is the color of you couch? --> Brown.

Favorite TV-show(s)? --> Heroes (though I am seriously pissed with things right now), How I met Your Mother, Glee, Doctor Who, the X-files (and lots more I am afraid)

Do you watch Heroes, and if you do, what bugs you the most about it? --> I NEVER KNOW WHO IS EVIL! Seriously, It's getting OUT OF HAND.

What house are you in? --> Gryffindor, where the brave dwell at heart.

Coffee or tea? --> Neither

Do you have a rubber duck? --> Sadly no. But I did get a hundred rubber ducks when I turned one. Seriously. A hundred. I was in heaven.

So, those were the questions Kristin had for us, NOW, it's time for me to ask YOU questions. I will repeat this in my video, in case none of you reads this.

Now. GO FOR IT. (Anyone who reads this is welcome to answer the following meme. Link to it in the comments if you do ^^,)

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 12 (or a million) people you like. You can’t use the band I used. Do not repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think!

Pick your Artist: Dixie Chicks

Are you a male or female: Loving Arms.

Describe yourself: So Hard

How do you feel: Ready to run

Describe where you currently live: A Home

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Top of the World

Your favourite form of transportation: The Long Away Around

Your best friend: Voice Inside my Head

You and your best friends are: Long Time Gone

What’s the weather like: Cold day in July

Favourite time of day: Without you.

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Lubbock or leave it.

What is life to you: Heartbreak Town

Your relationship: Not ready to make nice

Your fear: Tortured, Tangled Hearts

What is the best advice you have to give: Let 'er Rip

Thought for the Day: Don't waste your heart

How I would like to die: Travelin' Soldier

My soul’s present condition: Hole in the head

My motto: Some day you gotta dance.

That's all from me.