Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas and #p4a

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009
My life on the internet

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's a break!

Monday, October 19, 2009
November hell,
So. It's that time of the year again. The middle of october. Here in Sweden it means rain, the occasional snow, more rain, cold and a teeny tiny bit more rain. I don't mind the rain, it's always been my favorite kind of weather.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Oh, the memes.
Hello dear internet-readers.
I know I promised the dear girls on SYIP to blog, and now I am. So here we go.
How many siblings do you have? --> One. A younger brother. We fight all too often.
What would you do with a poe-bust? --> Put STUFF on its HEAD.
Who's on your guilt-free-three? --> Alan Rickman, David Tennant, and... and... Colin Firth.
Favorite soda? --> Coca cola!
What is the color of you couch? --> Brown.
Favorite TV-show(s)? --> Heroes (though I am seriously pissed with things right now), How I met Your Mother, Glee, Doctor Who, the X-files (and lots more I am afraid)
Do you watch Heroes, and if you do, what bugs you the most about it? --> I NEVER KNOW WHO IS EVIL! Seriously, It's getting OUT OF HAND.
What house are you in? --> Gryffindor, where the brave dwell at heart.
Coffee or tea? --> Neither
Do you have a rubber duck? --> Sadly no. But I did get a hundred rubber ducks when I turned one. Seriously. A hundred. I was in heaven.
So, those were the questions Kristin had for us, NOW, it's time for me to ask YOU questions. I will repeat this in my video, in case none of you reads this.
Now. GO FOR IT. (Anyone who reads this is welcome to answer the following meme. Link to it in the comments if you do ^^,)
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 12 (or a million) people you like. You can’t use the band I used. Do not repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think!
Pick your Artist: Dixie Chicks
Are you a male or female: Loving Arms.
Describe yourself: So Hard
How do you feel: Ready to run
Describe where you currently live: A Home
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Top of the World
Your favourite form of transportation: The Long Away Around
Your best friend: Voice Inside my Head
You and your best friends are: Long Time Gone
What’s the weather like: Cold day in July
Favourite time of day: Without you.
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Lubbock or leave it.
What is life to you: Heartbreak Town
Your relationship: Not ready to make nice
Your fear: Tortured, Tangled Hearts
What is the best advice you have to give: Let 'er Rip
Thought for the Day: Don't waste your heart
How I would like to die: Travelin' Soldier
My soul’s present condition: Hole in the head
My motto: Some day you gotta dance.
That's all from me.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
This is for Bekah ^^,

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Not much
I've had a great couple of day. Now that we're entering the first year of real-IB (we've only been in pre-dp before) we are starting to realise just what a huge job IB really is. We have classes that require complete attention, and ever day is filled with homework and revision.
We also have 150 CAS hours to complete, and that is scaring me so much, I can barely describe it.
However, more work and less sleep doesn't make us fall down. No, instead we act.. how to put it? CRAZY. We laugh for no reason, and when the contents of our lockers fall down on us we simply lie in a pile until we can stop laughing. It's not easy.
If this is what happens after a month of school, then I wonder what two years of IB will do to us.
I spent almost a hour on IB Quotes yesterday, and it was wonderful to find my life in those quotes ^^, I also wonder how I will make it.
I will tell you all about my birthday when I find time, and when I am on my own computer. This PC is simply too odd. I'm too much of an Apple girl to like this one. The keyboard is off somehow =/
I will, however tell you, that that my friends have been amazing, and that today, with my dad, hasn't been all that good. =)
(My friend just got a blog. Go and make her write some more!)
Love and kisses (for I'm very frivolous with them)

Friday, September 11, 2009
9/11 for me.

Monday, September 7, 2009
Oh hello there.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Troubled times
Last blog I told you guys that I would be updating this blog more frequently, but that was a downright lie. I forgot.
Now I am here again though, ready to pour words out on the net.
School starts on Tuesday. Since I have been longing to go back for some time, I thought these last days would be spent planning, getting notebooks, pens, erasers and everyhting else I could need. Instead, I've been trying to get the thought of school out of my mind. I am no longer looking forward tot his year.
It is going to be hard. Especially whenever I think of maths.
I was sick a lot last year, and therefore missed A LOT. While you can catch up a lot easier in the other subjects, I fell behind in math.
I like maths, I really do. It's logic for god's sake! It's fun. However, since I missed so much, it got harder and harder for me to keep up. After some time I gave up with catching up.
Not a good choice. You need everything you learn when you're learning the next thing.
So, I have no idea how I am going to make it through the next year. I have chosen Standard, but even that will take a whole lot of effort. It was my stupid pride that stood in the way of choosing Studies.
Now I'm afraid, and I feel like hding under my convers until the year is over. Of course, that is not an option.
Studying like a madman is.
The other subject are going to be fun having, though. Swedish, English, history (all higher levels), visual arts and biology (standard). Okay, I might not be looking forward to biology that much, but it's the only science subject I can actually stand.
Today we went to a store so I could buy some kind of camera to bring to London. I bought it myself, I might add, or I will as soon as I get the money and can give them to mom. We also took our Nikon to check the lens that broke on Midsummers.
Mind you, I wasn't involved. I wasn't even there! I was over 400 kilometres away from there, so I doubt I could have had anything to do with it.
But, the nice man told us that it wouldn't be much difference between fixing it and buying a new one. Taking his advice, we bought a new one and it's actually better than the last one we had, so ... Yes. Awesome.
Coming home with that, I was happy, filled with photographic joy, I logged on facebook to check my Strawberries. After about half an hour, I realized that the battery was low and THEN.
My charger is broken. Serisouly, if things could just stop breaking I'd be very happy.
There is already a CD stuck in the computer, and school is starting Tuesday.
How the heck am I going to get that fixed before school starts? CRAP.
With those lovely words, I'll leave you. I hope you're day has been or will be better than mine.

Friday, August 14, 2009
Late night thoughts
I was thinking that maybe I should start blogging a little more regularly. Do escuse any spelling mistakes in this post. I am on a strange computer, and I can barely find anything on this keyboard. It's also two AM and I'm tired.
So. Yes. A blog-post. What would you like to hear about? I don't belive anything interesting has happened since my last post, but what else can I do at two AM, but to entertain you guys?
First off, the bad news.
As I might have written on this blog (and everywhere else) my friends and I were planning a Yoad-trip next summer. It was supposed to take us from Canada, all the way down to Disneyland (or world, or place, of whatevs. I'm tired) and then back again. To say that I was excited about this would be an encredible understatement, since there is probably no word to describe how much I was looking forward to this.
Now, however, my joy is gone.
I am not a rich girl. It's not as if I am poor. I have food, clothers, a very nice home and I can go to the movies, eat out, when I would like too, but I am not rich. Vacations are saved for, and cannot be spurr of the moment things. (the london trip I am taking, might seem like a spurr of the moment thing, but I have planned this for months, and will pay lots of it myself)
But, I do not have a pile of money I can use whenever I want, like dear Harry P does.
So my trip will probably not happen. This is sad. This is so sad, I had a huge fight with my mom about it. Tears and harsh words were involved, and I regret most of what I said. That isn't the only reason to why I can't go, though. Even if we had that kind of money, mom wouldn't let me go all on my own.
I'm sixteen. My world consists of school, books, friends and ... this is where I want to say boys, but sadly no luck there yet.
My mom, they dear person that she is, is refusing to let me go on a raod-trip by myself. I had to badger her for months about a weekend in London, imagine what a month in the states would make her say.
Even though I will only be two or three months away from 18 next summer, she believes that I am too young.
I admit that riding across America is not the safest way to spend a summer. "What happens if you run out of gas in the middle of nowhere? What happens if you get lost in the middle of nowhere? Can you IMAGINE what places you could end up on?" (think Psycho) "Do you KNOW what is OUT THERE?"
Maybe I don't. Maybe I never will.
But, what is life about, but not taking chances? What is life without some risks? What is life without an awesome road-trip, across America?
Who knows?
I do know that Bekah and Shannon will have an awesome time without me (I will probably be at home, crying my eyes out I am afraid)
Mom is telling me that this isn't the only chance I have of doing this, there will be other times, and I am sure there will be. But when? When will I ever have time to spend a summer with my awesome girls?
A weekend with Shannon and Lucy is not going to be enough. I would like to have some more. If I could, I would take eternity, even though we would probably tire of each other after a while. ^^,
So, yeah. I'm upset. And sad. I really wanted this. I suppose I was so excited I never really thought about mom's protests. They weren't as loud as my squels of excitement.
But that is life, I guess. You want things, and then you're disappointed. So crap. Shit. Bloody bananas.
I should be glad that I am goingt to London in barely two weeks, which I am, but this whole road-trip thing has taken most of my excitement. Also, traveling alone is scary. At least they speak English, so I will be able to communiate if I get lost in the airport. (it could, and probably will happen)
A weekend will NOT be enough with Lucy and Shannon, but if it is all that I can have, then I shall grasp on to it with my few fingers and not let go.
I should sleep now. This wasn't supposed to be a long blogpost. It wasnt't really supposed to be anything, but I have been writing for almost an hour now, and I guess it's time to turn in.
Tomorrow I will be heading into the city to attend a little Nerdfighter gathering. It will probably be awesome, even though I hate meeting new people. The shy girl inside of me, seems to be the dominant one. It will be great seeing CH, though, especially since she is leaving for Canada soon, and won't be back until next summer.
I am trying to convince this girl to come with me, first of all because I miss her and would like to see her. The fact that iwill know someone is just a bonus.
Now I feel this lovely bed that I am sitting on calling my name. If I should actually sleep or try to write something on my novel now that I am on a role is hard to decide. What do you say, dear internet-readers? Sleep or write?
Love and bananas,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I miss you guys,

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Free Uglies!

Monday, June 1, 2009
I have a dream

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Asking for a change.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Give the students computers!

Some thought along the road.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Inspiration for life.
Saturday, February 7, 2009