I want them to read it for the words.
Of course I know this is a very common dream, and one that not many ever live through. But dreams are quite hard to just put out. I'll keep working, even when I hate it so much I feel like just deleting all of it.The reason I am starting like this, is because I have been reading a lot about "experience" lately. About how old one much be to be able to write anything of value. Apparently I am too young for this.
Personally I don't think there is an age-limit for creativity. Some of the things children have told me, things they make up as we are talking, are much better, and much wilder, than what some adults could make up. It's the ones who never lose their childish side that can do the best.But yes. One does have to have experience to write something good.
Children may be thinking of great things, but can they properly describe people? Know how relationships work? What do they know of death, and of life? It's difficult.
I am seventeen years old. I turn eighteen in three months. Have I too little experience of the real world to write a good story? Have I not seen enough? Have I not gone through hell long enough to tell you about it? What do I need?
I've experienced loss. I've gone through dramas, and heartache. Joy and fear. I know what it is like to feel all alone in the whole wide world, and realize that you actually are. I've experienced love, and what it is like to be humiliated. I've woken up day not wanting to rise because I just can't face a day.
I've been bullied, loved and hated. I've cried, laughed and fainted.
How is this not enough experience? How old do I have to be, to be old enough?