What's it about? you may ask. Please ask. If you know it might mean that you watch it and I don't know if I can let you read my blog anymore.
For those, sane people out there, Paradise Hotel is a program where you send a bunch of horny people to an island with cameras on it. There, they are encouraged to make couples, have sex and create as much drama as possible.
Who thinks this is good TV? I mean, if you want porn I bet you there are movies that are better than this show. If you want drama, I would even let you watch Gossip Girl. Because, honestly, this is stupid.
Stupid. There is no other word for it.
And what is up with reviving all these old TV shows? They have had their glory days, how about you put down the remote and go outside. I am sure you won't miss a thing.
That 'V' came back I can understand, and look forward too. I mean, Aliens that look like lizards in hot human bodies. On top of all that, they are wearing very tight suits.
Totally awesome.
But Beverly hills? Come on! It worked back in the nineties with THAT cast. 100 year old Luke Perry and a very angry actor called Shannon Doherty. But it stopped for a reason. Now, you bringing it back?
By now we have enough shows with rich teenage kids who sleep around. We have bloody reality shows that are about that topic.
And Melrose Place? Honestly? REALLY? Who came up with that idea, and WHY, oh why, didn't you fire him? We had Melrose place. We had it for a really, really, really long time. We don't need it anymore. Those who do can just buy the DVD's.